One question I always ask people I interview is "How do you keep yourself up to date." And the answers are very interesting. I have been taught many things which I had no idea about. Websites, blogs, communities, books (no, not so much). Sometimes, while talking they talk about something and I note them for looking up. So, an interview becomes a two way process. Where I get to learn something from those who I meet and hopefully, they go back with a nugget or two (and I try to ensure that they takeaway something - hopefully useful). But over a while now, through the interviewing process, while there are people learning from Linkedin, HBR (and similar ones), blogs, courses, Articulate - the number of people who mention Twitter (as a learning mechanism) has been zero - which is quite surprising for me. Also, very few people seem to mention books as a source. Thankfully, nobody has mentioned Facebook so far. Though on balance, people generally mention "internet...
A collection of my thoughts, muses and creative pursuits from the learning and education space! A serendipitous journey over technology and operations led me into learning and education and leadership development for organizations and people. A collection of thoughts, nothing more - usually used to index and cross refer...