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Showing posts from September, 2017

A workshop for 200 people

Can you craft a workshop for 200 odd people? Was the underlying question of a leisurely call a few months ago. The idea was enticing, ticked all the boxes of creativity, comfort zone (out of), challenge, credibility (of who it came from) and purpose (who it was for). And I found myself saying yes. As soon I kept the phone down - I began to think. I have done large format working sessions, handled large offsite gatherings, given speeches at conferences and spoken at panel discussions - but none of them were 4 hour long and none of them were workshops - with this level of interactivity. And then began the planning. Creating an xls with the plan, the detailing of each segment, curating content for each slide - running it through the lens of 200 people audience, talking to people who think differently - thinking of audience engagement, audience interest and takeaways - planning each aspect of the workshop, scripting, rehearsing, inserting an activity, anticipating questions. And t...

Brainstorming for Khaki Tours

I love brainstorming sessions. Whether I am a participant or a facilitator. So, when, Khaki Tours invited me over for a Brainstorming session - I jumped into it with both feet. The session generated a whole bunch of ideas - as you might imagine - what with people passionate about the idea of heritage evangelism. And with Bharat Gothoskar (the man behind the idea of Khaki Tours itself) fine tuning the aspects of the session in his own creative ways, it was probably the second best way to spend a rainy Saturday morning (other than being a heritage walk).  The venue (Ministry of New) was charming. The session structure, the timing, the people (everyone with unique skills and passion) - were energetic. Room filled with post -its, charts, presentations - and yes - with plans to takeover the world! Here is seeing this start up grow in all the million direction it has plans in...