My year end reflection - on AI. Proceed with caution: To be fair, I don't know much about AI. I know ChatGPT (I mean, who doesnt. Even my cat does). I have used it and found myself alternating between being blown away and feeling meh. I have seen midjourney images (never tried) and AI driven story lines and plot lines. Quite impressive really. And apparently it has won a creativity contest as well. And at a conference recently someone said, AI will be like electricity in future - that was a different way of looking at it. It could become as ubiquitous as electricity, but like anything these days will have a steep tab attached to it. And the moment that happens, it will be preserve of a few who can afford it. Organizations will have (many already have) co-pilots enabled - and beautiful mails will be read and replied to by AI. (Human communication hopefully will keep pace.) But keeping all that aside, can AI really replace L&D professionals? Let us look at the ...
A collection of my thoughts, muses and creative pursuits from the learning and education space! A serendipitous journey over technology and operations led me into learning and education and leadership development for organizations and people. A collection of thoughts, nothing more - usually used to index and cross refer...