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Showing posts from February, 2024


Podcasts bloat Ted talks bloat Online courses bloat Hell they have even managed to make reels bloat. One course I saw recently has 22 hours video on some innocuous topic. Many Ted talks can be compressed to 3 sentencs (or 5). Tip - read the transcript - it is way faster. Part of the reason I gave up listening to podcasts was bloat and ads.  So, why this bloat? What is the incentive to keep on adding layer after layer of meaningless information. Anything more and this post will bloat.  So, stop. Cut to the chase. 

On sales techniques

Just as we speak, I received a spam sales mail. As an L&D head, I receive a whole bunch of sales "spam". Not all of it classifies as spam, let me clarify. But a badly crafted sales message is spam. Similarly,  A mail that does not take the organization need into account. A mail that uses techniques like "can we meet this week or next" is pointless - because I dont intend to meet - because your mail did not connect to our need at all.  A mail that is not compelling.  A mail that has no differentiator.  Yes, you are a training company and yes, I am a potential client. Yes you need to get my attention and I might be happier ignoring it. So, how to make that transition? To me the method is to stand out, make the other curious and thats it. When the need arises the client will come (having been on the other side). Someone I had 5 years ago will be working with us because they are "different" - and that is what we seek now.  But my point is - unless your cus...

The nintendo

About 15 odd years ago, when the internet had not crept into all devices, we purchased a Nintendo Wii and we have all of one game CD on it. And it is crazy that even today the kids are able to derive enjoyment out of it and as they grow, the game is becoming a great de-stressor in the midst of exam prep.  Today we are at a stage when every app worth its salt sends updates every week, if not more. So, features can be added, newer levels can be introduced and all sorts of things can be done. But what do you when you have ship your product as "one and done". Or put in other words,  what if updating was a constraint.  Whatever the issue, what is impressive that is that it looks like the game will keep going on and on.  Here are some of the things they have discovered.  The game unlocks new characters as your achievements increase.  There are many such possible achievements - the race is done in reverse, mirror circuits There are many challenges As the players u...