I stumbled upon this recently - on the Time Span of Discretion - a theory propounded by the Late Elliott Jaques.
Jaques also noted that effective organizations were comprised of workers of differing time spans of discretion, each working at a level of natural comfort. If a worker's job was beyond their natural time span of discretion, they would fail. If it was less, they would be insufficiently challenged, and thus unhappy.
Jaques also noted that effective organizations were comprised of workers of differing time spans of discretion, each working at a level of natural comfort. If a worker's job was beyond their natural time span of discretion, they would fail. If it was less, they would be insufficiently challenged, and thus unhappy.
Time span of discretion is about achieving intents that have explicit
time frames. And in Jaques model, one can rank discretionary capacity in
a tiered system. Level 1 encompasses jobs such as sales associates or
line workers handling routine tasks with a time horizon of up to three
months. Levels 2 to 4 encompass various managerial positions with time
horizons between one to five years. Level 5 crosses over to five to 10
years and is the domain of small company CEOs and large company
executive vice presidents. Beyond Level 5, one enters the realm of
statesmen and legendary business leaders comfortable with innate time
horizons of 20 years (Level 6), 50 years (Level 7) or beyond. Level 8 is
the realm of 100 year thinkers like Henry Ford, while Level 9 is the
domain of the Einsteins, Gandhis, and Galileos, individuals capable of
setting grand tasks into motion that continue centuries into the future.
Jaques' ideas enjoyed currency into the 1970s and then fell into
eclipse, assailed as unfair stereotyping or worse, a totalitarian
stratification evocative of Huxley's Brave New World. It is now
time to reexamine Jaques theories and revive time span of discretion as
a tool for understanding our social structures and matching them to the
overwhelming challenges facing global society. Perhaps problems like
climate change are intractable because we have a political system that
elects Level 2 thinkers to Congress when we really need Level 5s in
office. As such, Jaques ideas might help us realize that the old saying,
"he who thinks longest wins" is only half the story, and that the
society in which everyone explicitly thinks about tasks in the context
of time will be the most effective. [Edge]
I don't have an answer on this, but the thought was interesting enough for me to bookmark it for later use.
My own thoughts are that there is some time requirement from a time standpoint...and this is worth a thought perhaps!
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