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Showing posts from September, 2018

Books on Creativity and Innovation

Crowdsourcing a list of books on Creativity and Innovation. These are the books, I have read - which other books come to your mind? Creativity Inc - Ed catmull Creative Confidence - Tom and David Kelley Where good ideas come from - Steven Johnson The Innovators Dilemma/Solution - Clayton Christensen Big Magic  - Elizabeth Gilbert Road to reinvention - Joseph Linkner Rework - Jason Fried Accidental Creativity - Todd Henry The Element - Ken Robinson The Creative Priority - Jerry Hirshberg The war of art - Steven Pressfield

The Lego Bugatti

Why would Lego want to build a Bugatti ? Because they can. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> Build for Real, it says in the end. Lego is one of those brands that takes user engagement to a totally different level. The little one had already watched the video by the time it has reached the likes of me. Imagine the boy who is building a little car and he sees a huge, real car being built by Lego that actually runs - among other things. It catapults the imagination of the user to a level that is unachievable by others. Yes, therefore, why does Lego do it - because ONLY they can. When I build with Lego, I may build my own Bugatti (and even if I dont, it is still my Bugatti). Thats the user experience brands crave...