Recently, I was part of a program where people had to choose time slots. Initially the off-take was low and people refused to sign up. After a few tries however, the slots magically began to get filled.
The secret? It was transparent, visible. The more people saw that others had signed up, the sooner the rest signed up. So, as people signed up and saw the slots getting filled - there was both a 'sense of urgency' as well as 'social acceptance' - that I dont want to be the outlier.
There was another thing that we did - every single person who was in this cohort, was spoken to by the Learning Head - individually. We believe this also contributed to the stickiness.
The secret? It was transparent, visible. The more people saw that others had signed up, the sooner the rest signed up. So, as people signed up and saw the slots getting filled - there was both a 'sense of urgency' as well as 'social acceptance' - that I dont want to be the outlier.
There was another thing that we did - every single person who was in this cohort, was spoken to by the Learning Head - individually. We believe this also contributed to the stickiness.
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