Irresistible, by Adam Alter is all about behavioural addiction. This is a relatively new form of addiction - as opposed to the others - like substance addiction - which have been around for a while.
In this book Adam Alter explores behavioural addiction which is becoming rampant in these days of technology. We cannot clicking and checking our phones - whether it is Whatsapp or Facebook or Twitter - checking for messages or likes or RT's - on the one hand. On the other hand, we are behaviourally addicted to data - and apps like Fitbit put us in an addiction loop.
The book traces the path of these addictions and how it progresses and how technology has prevented the 'stopping rules' that would stop us from doing something addictive - even shopping. Or binge watching - and how it is encouraged by the way the storyline is built.
The book talks about the Zeigarnik effect. This is interesting for those in the business of learning (and other businesses as well). It has an interesting section about Instagram stole a march over its competitor at the time it was new (and it is a really interesting story).
In my view, it adds a new dimension to what we have known all along as 'influencing' and depending on how it is deployed, it is close to 'manipulation'.
Recently, I read more about the ludic loop - as well - and this is the part where it does get scary:
In this book Adam Alter explores behavioural addiction which is becoming rampant in these days of technology. We cannot clicking and checking our phones - whether it is Whatsapp or Facebook or Twitter - checking for messages or likes or RT's - on the one hand. On the other hand, we are behaviourally addicted to data - and apps like Fitbit put us in an addiction loop.
The book traces the path of these addictions and how it progresses and how technology has prevented the 'stopping rules' that would stop us from doing something addictive - even shopping. Or binge watching - and how it is encouraged by the way the storyline is built.
The book talks about the Zeigarnik effect. This is interesting for those in the business of learning (and other businesses as well). It has an interesting section about Instagram stole a march over its competitor at the time it was new (and it is a really interesting story).
In my view, it adds a new dimension to what we have known all along as 'influencing' and depending on how it is deployed, it is close to 'manipulation'.
Recently, I read more about the ludic loop - as well - and this is the part where it does get scary:
To keep drivers on the road, the company has exploited some people’s tendency to set earnings goals — alerting them that they are ever so close to hitting a precious target when they try to log off. It has even concocted an algorithm similar to a Netflix feature that automatically loads the next program, which many experts believe encourages binge-watching. In Uber’s case, this means sending drivers their next fare opportunity before their current ride is even over.
And most of this happens without giving off a whiff of coercion.
Some of the most addictive games ever made, like the 1980s and ’90s hit Tetris, rely on a feeling of progress toward a goal that is always just beyond the player’s grasp. As the psychologist Adam Alter writes in his book “Irresistible,” this mental state has a name: the “ludic loop.” (The term was coined by the anthropologist and slot machine expert Natasha Schüll.)
Uber, for its part, appears to be aware of the ludic loop. In its messages to drivers, it included a graphic of an engine gauge with a needle that came tantalizingly close to, but was still short of, a dollar sign.
And towards the end it also talks about how one can free themselves from this maddening loop - all in all a recommended read...Do click like on this, so I can keep checking :)
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