Some days ago, the fellow stumbled upon Morse code. And from then on it has been a flurry of investigation on Morse code and finally he found a Morse code keyboard on the phone. Whoever? Whyever?
But it is fascinating how the internet can set you off on such serendipitious paths - some interesting, some positively not (like a few weeks back when he wanted to memorise the first 100 digits of pi and insisted on reciting it to unsuspecting listeners).
The Morse code is an interesting path. The Lego puzzle box another interesting one - that led to multiple smaller inventions in the fray - some of which saw light of day some that did not.
But it is fascinating how the internet can set you off on such serendipitious paths - some interesting, some positively not (like a few weeks back when he wanted to memorise the first 100 digits of pi and insisted on reciting it to unsuspecting listeners).
The Morse code is an interesting path. The Lego puzzle box another interesting one - that led to multiple smaller inventions in the fray - some of which saw light of day some that did not.
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