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2019, Year in Learning

A short summary of my learning from learning this year...and some questions...

Digital learning does not happen by itself.  It has to be enabled. In an age of digital abundance and overdose, digital is likely to be shunned. Tell me, the learner, why should I. Give me a strong reason...

Learning competes with Tik-Tok and Whatsapp on a bad day. With Netflix on a good day. Are you making me curious enough?

A lot of elearning content is B grade as compared to what is available outside. I mean, very little has changed in elearning. How to make it meaningful (not entertaining) in a short span of time?

Time is a real constraint. But time can be moved, shifted and even bent given the right motivation. But are you giving me reason enough to do so?

Non-digital actually scores over digital. The unique things one can do using non-digital are really cool. Non-digital actually gives a better overall sensory experience. Why is that so? My view is that it is partly because digital has not been fully exploited yet...

Digital looks repetitive - it looks like it has been stagnant for years now. Whats new? Not Donkey Kong replaced by Star Wars replaced by Angry birds. VR/AR are still more of curiosity building tools - hasn't been thought through enough to add value. Where is the next version of Digital learning? Or is it something else?

Mostly, people, when shown skill gaps,  will gladly work at getting better. The best do. This is an underrated use case for training. We assume sometimes that people wont try. Very often it is because we don't enable them to see the gaps well. In general, people want to get better. My learning - intent is good in general.

Podcasts? Well, does anyone ever use them in a corporate setting - yes, during commutes, but not otherwise.

We ran a few experiments and continue to run more experiments...Example, we created a board game (well, part game, part activity) for induction - by repurposing something that already existed. Cost us approximately 5000 INR and a few hours off a graphic designer. And 6 months on, it is going strong. And we are looking at a version 2.  Learning - there are low cost experiments and avenues to try them..

Here is to a 2020 with


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