Often, I have prided myself about being ahead in the technology space. And when I say this, I mean, I am a user of most new things. A trier. An early adopter.
On virtual training however, it turns out I was a digital dinosaur - thought in my head I was a digital native. After struggling with virtual training (I did my first true virtual training in 2020), I felt I have got the hang of it and things seem to be working well. The sessions have gone on well, we have got good feedback.
Imagine my surprise when I met someone who was using digital tools far better than I had ever imagined. Part of it was because there are too many digital training tools and as a trainer -investing in any one (or few) is a dent on the pocket, but the second part was that I did not think they were required - and how wrong I was. And no, none of these uses were gimmicky or the digital equivalent of throwing chocolates at the audience) - they were well thought out, creative and very very relevant from a learning experience perspective.
So, there I go, back to the drawing board on how to design my learning experiences given the new digital wave.
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