Whenever you read articles on the future of L&D, there is a sense of deja vu. You know you have read it somewhere else. That's because we have been talking about the same things year on year.
But at the root of L&D what is it?
L&D is only and only about behaviour change. As you move up the corporate ladder, this is the only thing you will be working on is to work on yourself.
There might be skill components in L&D where you learn frameworks on strategy or new theories on management, but that will boil down to practice. And practice in most contexts will require you to change behaviour (else why be trained in the first place), be vulnerable and be a role model.
Now, regardless of your position on the ladder, you have to do this.
You learn new skills
The process of learning is fraught with vulnerability
Then you learn to apply those skills
Then those skills become second nature
Somewhere along the way, you also train others
So, you learn to coach.
Which in turn requires you to ask questions and be curious
Whatever you do, you will hit these phases in the process of learning anything.
And as you get used to doing things one way, something will happen that will require you to change again - role change, headwinds, industry shifts, competition, crisis and so on.
You can do this at entry level, at manager level or at leader level.
You can do at various stages of the company.
You can do it at an individual or group level.
All these add to the complexities. And then there is culture.
Past, future doesnt really matter - these parts wont change.
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