I had to give a lecture on Prototyping. This is a difficult task because prototyping is all about doing. But one hour was all we had and a lecture to be delivered. So, here is what I spoke about...
Define prototyping beyond the conventional definition
Staying away from cliched stories of prototyping
Examples of prototyping - offbeat examples
Takeaway - we are all creators, makers and tinkerers
Examples of not having to prototype
Wicked problems versus well defined problems
The perfect being the enemy of the good
Propensity to not ship (and how companies are working to overcome it)
Shortening lifecycles of companies and products
Real life examples
Methods like Lean start up, Design Thinking
How to prototype (methods)
And finally, a thought on leading our lives as a prototype!
Define prototyping beyond the conventional definition
Staying away from cliched stories of prototyping
Examples of prototyping - offbeat examples
Takeaway - we are all creators, makers and tinkerers
Examples of not having to prototype
Wicked problems versus well defined problems
The perfect being the enemy of the good
Propensity to not ship (and how companies are working to overcome it)
Shortening lifecycles of companies and products
Real life examples
Methods like Lean start up, Design Thinking
How to prototype (methods)
And finally, a thought on leading our lives as a prototype!
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