Recently we were in a discussion about a new tool that was being commissioned. The world of tech tool is such that no tool does everything.
For instance, Outlook (or Gmail) will allow you to send mails, block calendars and mark important mails. But if you want to have a conversation, it has to be on Whatsapp (or some other platform). If you want to conduct performance reviews on Gmail or Whatsapp, good luck with that. Or goal setting for that matter. A learning management system is none of the above. An Excel sheet much less. A social media platform within work or outside work has some intersection with the a few things above, but it is not everything.
This search for a tool that will do everything is a futile one. There is no one thing that will do everything for you.
This is like the search for the mythical monster or the stone that will turn iron into gold. Or that single equation that will solve all of physics.
So, in such a forum, does the tool bake bread is a question that is useless. The way to position such a question is a genuine curious question, but other than that, it does nothing in helping the conversation move forward. And because of this baking question, a few people wasted their time in a meeting answering the baking question while the person who asked the question went back thinking how smart he was in asking the question.
It is not an oven for gods sake. It is a tool for goal setting.
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