The Hanyama puzzle is a puzzle I have been looking in vain to lay my hands on. Finally thanks to a friend, we got our first Hanyama puzzle. The image in blue is what is written on it. The puzzle offers no solution, except asking to work with your logic and intuition. Sure, you can search on youtube and crack it, but the kids are at it so far. One has been cracked thanks to one fellows intuition. The second one has been dissembled thanks to one persons perseverance - but it awaits reassembly.
The second image is the image of the Exploding Kittens rulebook. Earlier, in the pre-internet days, one had to read through the rule books and understand a game. Not any more. Youtube has videos by the makers and the players explaining the game. But I suppose one has to still have a rulebook, so the game has the rulebook with this message on it.
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