Today I was listening to someone talk. The topic of was the future of work in a post pandemic world.
What was striking that the leader was saying the right things - yet nothing was strikingly new. It was what everyone has been saying on Linkedin or in any other report.
And that led me to think - given that there is the internet and what people write typically and know as typical - it is very easy to believe that "you know everything" because everybody knows it and believes it to be true.
To find original thought, you have to go beyond that. Else you will be taken by surprise when a different thought comes along. Or caught unawares when the market moves.
Sometimes our confidence in what we know is foolhardly (this was written when the pandemic had just made an appearance) and will prevent us from seeing beyond what we know.
So, at every point, how do we ask this question of ourselves? The title of the post is a question that is ostensibly asked by Jeff Bezos at interviews - or someone - I remember having read it somewhere.
But asking this question is also a way of truly making you go beyond the information fog that often passes off as knowledge.
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