Continuing from the previous series
How does all this translate into a corporate learning scenario? Does online work? Short answer yes, if your participants are motivated enough and the technology infrastructure is good. If they are not motivated (My boss asked me to attend- I am not here of my own volition), this will be a painful experience regardless of technology.
If your participants are not motivated, as a facilitator you can move heaven and earth, nothing will work. They will get sucked into work - all if requires is one email ping and they will disappear.
And if they dont turn on video, then rest assured, you are screaming at a screen (honourable exceptions will remain)
And so, we have completely stopped virtual trainings unless there is no other way to do it.
Second, we conduct trainings only when there is a need and the manager and their employees are bought into it.
What about Hybrid trainings? Hybrid trainings require good digital infrastructure. Even in classrooms, the arrangement of the camera, the microphones - I have had great examples of where it works including sessions where we did not think it would be possible to pull it off.
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