This is the first generation AI (ok, maybe more, but leave the technicalities aside for the moment). As on date, you can create perfect emails, documents, powerpoint slides and do a lot of things with basic AI. It will only get better as time progresses.
Now for the moment, it is argued that AI will improve productivity - which it might, if you see the copious new emails that will be created and exchanged with attachment runnings into reams.
One person makes the email with AI, another replies, so the human sitting there is just pushing buttons. I am almost reminded of the 90s Ramayana television where the battle between Rama and Ravana was depicted as an "arrow vs arrow" battle. It is hard to explain it - but IYKYK.
So, point being (and this is the continuation of the earlier post in a different manner) - we can create great emails, but we need to learn basic human etiquette. And we are great with words, but miss the comprehension and originality of thought.
We live in interesting times.
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