This note made me think about my childhood.
Yes, we were children of scarcity. Anything we wanted to buy would undergo multiple layers of scrutiny before we spent money on anything. Our needs were frugal - whatever we wanted was an excess unless we really believed it would add value.
There were entire train journeys (38 hours plus), where we were completely self satisfied. Did not even have to buy as much as a banana from outside. It was very rare for us to eat outside - we went out and came back and ate mom cooked stuff. When we went for picnics, we carried everything (and more). Resources were to be conserved. And definitely nothing was to be spoken in in the open - everything was a secret unless otherwise mentioned.
Todays children are children of abundance. They get what they want (within limits) immediately or even before they want it. We eat outside when we feel like trying out something new or when we are bored with home cooking or when we travel. Food is never a problem or a consideration when we travel because you can always get food. Doesnt mean we waste anything.
Presently, we are at a good mix of both. We waste nothing. We are still frugal in our wants. All needs are satisfied, but no reckless buying and throwing away. Be gentle on the earth (dont waste, low plastic or no), reuse, reduce etc etc.
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