Every so often, an idea wanders and knocks the door to enter into my head and I let the idea in (the door is usually open). As I evaluate the idea, it seems obvious that this idea will never be forgotten and I miss taking a note of the idea. The idea comes in and settles down somewhere in a nook. I am also fairly sure that I know where the idea is sitting. And I delay the note taking further.
And then all of a sudden, the idea is gone. I have to run around search around the brain and it seems like that idea was a ghost. Much panic ensues. I retrace my steps. Eat the same food. Spend time staring at various places. Sometimes, one of these steps, brings the idea back or makes it visible and then I quickly jot it down somewhere - usually by messaging to myself on Whatsapp or Google keep or evernote or a piece of paper nearby.
And thats why I take notes. On Evernote, on Google keep, on Kindle, on a paper beside me, by messaging myself on whatsap. More well formed ideas go into spreadsheets and slides and documents, but capture every idea that you spot is my motto. So, if you see me furiously scribbling something or noting something, samjho, I am working on an new idea.
But there are times when the search is futile. The idea never shows up. Writing this as I struggle with one lost idea that I wanted to write about.
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