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What I learnt I learnt by doing

Continuing on my insights from the design conference- followed by an L&D meetup.  

What I realise is that,  pretty much everything one learns has to be learnt by doing. Almost everything I learnt has followed the same mode. 

I invested time in a Theatre workshop many years ago. The entire exercise was learning by doing. Learn, fall, receive feedback, try again, fall, receive feedback and so on. 

And about perhaps 10 years later I signed up for ISABS ODCP. The entire exercise of making an OD professional out of you is filled with these learning cycles. Try, receive feedback, reflect, act, rinse, repeat. 

And while these are relatively short cycle learning projects, the story is the same for anything in the longer term as well. 

What I learnt I learnt by doing. 

(Failing, Fallling, Learning again, Seeking Feedback, Reflecting, Trying again, Failing again, Receiving mild applause, Trying again, Failing again, Working hard, Getting it right and so on. It is a messy process and you cant scrub it clean. This is the only way learning has happened and will continue to happen. 


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