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Showing posts from September, 2019

Ask versus Tell

After so many years, Ask versus Tell still remains my favourite conversation skill moment (Thanks Balaji for putting this in my head). Each time , each audience, each industry whereever we have gone over this, Ask versus Tell almost always creates a moment of pause from the audience. We all know this intuitively, but the fact that it highlights is that it is a difficult skill to build. Actually all skills are difficult to build. It takes time, deliberate practice and faltering before it becomes second nature...

The problem with LnD people

The title should have a some in it, but then it isn't quite dramatic. I am part of multiple LnD forums and groupchats on Whatsapp - mostly. All day mostly they are looking for 'content' for a training program or for 'activities' for something. The other activities that happen are asking for a trainer or pointer to some topic or marketing their own work. What is not happening is debates on how to do things (better?) or what are the new advances and challenges. And even with that not happening, the best place to get content is google. And the worst. Because the laziest content seekers go with the first page on wikipedia or whatever else they can find. And if this is your idea of content, you are dead on arrival. Why not read yourself? Talk to people? Find out more? Go beyond google? Luckily, it is some people. The rest are doing a better job of it...