This is the latest speech by Narendra Modi which was delivered yesterday at the India Today Conclave. Much analysis has been carried out on this speech, but here is a different perspective.
I have written about Presentation skills - and to me this is a video that touches upon almost all aspects of presentation skills. For someone who wants to learn public speaking, presentation skills this speech is a great example. It is well worth your time, if you want to see presentation skills in action (and the bonus of a great speech).
The speech is largely in Hindi, though there are parts in English as well. Mr. Modi uses a video at the start (which is missing here) - so the speech uses other media as well - surprising the audience - since politicians arent generally given to videos. That initial video has made the audience look forward to more.
The speech is extempore - which can only happen when one knows the subject thoroughly. I personally don't know how much Mr. Modi practices his speaking skills - though his oratory skills are legendary. But without subject matter expertise, such a speech will not last. The speech is mostly about his experience, but weaves in anecdotes and stories well.
Throughout the speech, he connects with the audience -
Also, Modi remains himself. He does not change his language to connect with his audience - he speaks in chaste Hindi. This is an important aspect of presentation skills and public speaking - it is very important to be yourself.
Overall, a great presentation skills coaching video.
I have written about Presentation skills - and to me this is a video that touches upon almost all aspects of presentation skills. For someone who wants to learn public speaking, presentation skills this speech is a great example. It is well worth your time, if you want to see presentation skills in action (and the bonus of a great speech).
The speech is largely in Hindi, though there are parts in English as well. Mr. Modi uses a video at the start (which is missing here) - so the speech uses other media as well - surprising the audience - since politicians arent generally given to videos. That initial video has made the audience look forward to more.
The speech is extempore - which can only happen when one knows the subject thoroughly. I personally don't know how much Mr. Modi practices his speaking skills - though his oratory skills are legendary. But without subject matter expertise, such a speech will not last. The speech is mostly about his experience, but weaves in anecdotes and stories well.
Throughout the speech, he connects with the audience -
- He jokes about himself (self deprecatory humour is a great way to win your audience over) and politicians
- Exhorts them to answer (if only to prevent them from sleeping, he says)
- Takes their permission when he feels he may go over time (respect the audience, not taking them for granted)
- Pauses for effect (especially when making a subtle dig at the current state of governance) - for the point to sink in
- Motivates the audience
- Mentions someone in the audience who has done business with his state to reinforce his point
- Gives short memorable takeaways - action not acts. (In an earlier speech he has used simple points like India First, P2G2 - Pro People, Good Governance - depending on the audience.)
- Even his vision was simple - like Privatization of railways for example, Moving India from a buyer of defence equipment to a supplier etc.
- His actionables were simple - what we can do about it - as simple as they come. It is important to keep the message simple.
Also, Modi remains himself. He does not change his language to connect with his audience - he speaks in chaste Hindi. This is an important aspect of presentation skills and public speaking - it is very important to be yourself.
Overall, a great presentation skills coaching video.
Neel, i could not play the video. Blocked in this country due to copyright grounds:-(